Placenta Medicine

For thousands of years, Chinese medicine and many indigenous healing traditions, have used the placenta as powerful, sacred, potent, medicine. This astonishing organ, when properly prepared, may nourish and strengthen Mother and Baby for a lifetime. The Placenta is literally the bridge between the creator and the created. 

In Chinese Medicine the Placenta is known to:

Replenish the essence (Jing). Specifically the kidney essence derived from one’s parents. Men loose a little Anterior Jing every time they ejaculate. Women loose it in big chunks with babies. So this is a way to replenish what is lost. There arent many other ways I know of to replenish this type of Jing. I believe the Placenta is a gift to bring back what is lost to the mother. It takes care of her just like it took care of the baby in the womb giving her the nourishment she needs.

The Placenta also Nourishes the Blood and Tonifies the Qi. what does this mean? It helps build blood and is great if there was blood loss but in general most moms could uses some more blood after giving so much to grow a baby! This “blood” is also good for weak postpartum women who have scanty or insufficient milk production caused by Blood or Qi deficiency. What does Qi correlate to? ENERGY!!! Most new mommies can also use this!


Placenta medicine is believed to:

-Balance hormones to stabilized health and mood

-increase oxytocin, the love and bonding hormone

-Lighten or aleviate postpartum deprresion

-Increase stress-reduction hormones

-increase milk production

-support the immune system of mother and baby

-replenish iron

-Assist the Uterus to return to its pre-pregnency state

-increase energy

My devotion is to empower you to use this ancestral medicine effectively and safely, for the nourishment of the mother, baby, and grandmother.


This is a Traditional Chinese Preparation of steaming the placenta with warming herbs to balance the yin and yang in the body post birth before dehydrating. These pills can be made as a general warming tonic or as specific to the individual and delivered within 72 hours of birth providing immediate postpartum support.


There are two ways to tincture the placenta depending on what you are wanting. One way is a pure placenta tincture in vodka which will provide all the benefits offered by the placenta. The other way is a Traditional Chinese Preparation in rice wine with herbs specific to your needs. These take 30 days to prepare and only require a small piece of the placenta thus leaving the ability for other traditional ceremonies with the placenta.


This medicine is made with the Pure Placenta Tincture. One of the greatest benifit’s of this homeopathic remedy is that you can use it for baby as well and it will last for the lifespan of you and your child. It holds the imprint of baby in health and can be used to remind the body of homeostasis and ones pure nature. This medicine is even believed to benefit and help Grandmother with menopausal changes.

*For more information on placenta medicine, packages, and pricing