Nuance: Advanced Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Training
As we develop our Thai Yoga massage practice, it's essential to cultivate sensitivity, attunement, and deep listening to expand your capacities as a practitioner. It's also beneficial to know how the elemental nature of life pulses through the body's energy lines and that our bodywork practice is a doorway for psycho/spiritual fulfillment.
Dominique synthesizes the interconnectedness of Eastern and Western philosophies in the demonstration of teaching her advanced techniques. We will explore how to give a Thai yoga massage that is a fluid, gracious dance combining dynamic rocking, energetic precision and accessing a non-dual space of emptiness.
This is an opportunity to experience your bodywork practice like fine art, allowing beauty, nourishing connection to take your practice to the new horizons.
Prerequisite: You must have taken one foundation course or have an active bodywork practice of two years. Students attending massage therapy school are welcome.
As a licensed massage therapist, you will receive 24 CE credits. You can still be eligible to attend even if you are not an LMT.
In the Nuance training, you will learn and explore:
Expanding the vocabulary of advanced Thai massage techniques (supine, sideline, and prone)
Proper techniques and body mechanics that are effective on the practitioner's body
Deepen our understanding of energetic anatomy.
Dynamic movements: oscillating from rocking to stillness.
Exploring the elemental qualities (Earth, Fire, Water & Air) of touch
Active listening: tracking the nervous system and subtle shifts in the breath and fascia in the receiver's body
Incorporating elements of self-care and self-love into the massage practice
Embodiment practices: Yoga, Qigong, & Meditation
Prerequisite: You must have taken one foundation course or have an active bodywork practice of two years. Students attending massage therapy school are welcome.
As a licensed massage therapist, you will receive 24 CE credits. You can still be eligible to attend even if you are not an LMT.